Are you thinking of purchasing a second property? If you are, then you need to think about all of the things associated with this. You might be stuck trying to…
Putting your property up for sale can be a nerve-wracking experience. You want your property to sell quickly but you also want to get the best price for it. There’s…
Selling a home has a few things that come along with it, and you can find it becoming more costly than you planned for. From selling it without an agency…
Moving to a new home can be very exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. So many questions come up when you're looking for your dream house: the location, environment,…
Buying your dream home is an exciting time. It can also be a stressful process, especially if you do not prepare ahead of time. If you want to make sure…
Moving homes is an exciting experience, especially if you've found your dream property, but it can also be a stressful time. If you're new to buying and selling, property chains…
If you have already realized that renting is an unwise investment, and believe that the monthly payment is better to put towards a mortgage for your own place, then you…
What is CIS Mortgage? The truth is, there is no actual product that is called CIS mortgages' but there is what is called the Construction Industry Scheme. The CIS permits…
When looking to make your first step up on the property ladder there are a lot of things to consider. Moving house is a stressful business and it is one…