Lauren is 3!

Lauren has just turned three, and I wanted to blog a little bit about my special girl. I know it’s the done thing to ask “where has the last year gone?” whenever your child has a birthday. But if you’ll allow me to be honest, I have found the terrible twos very challenging, so I can’t say the year has flown by. I am looking forward to the next year with a threenager – it may not be easier, but at least it will be different. Don’t get me wrong… she is an amazingly bright, funny, cheeky little girl but she/we have been dealing with some big emotions over the last year (or more accurately, I reckon the terrible twos kicked in around 18 months). Now, I am so pleased to say that we are having fewer meltdowns and I feel far more capable of answering a million ‘why’ questions a day than dealing with a kicking and screaming tantrum in a supermarket or, even more fun, whilst halfway through crossing the road – argh!

Lauren turns 3

We celebrated her birthday by hosting a birthday party at our house for 12 of her friends. It was quite manic, because every child had at least one parent with them, plus there were a few party goers’ siblings – it’s fair to say our house was busy that day! We had hoped to have the party in our back garden but unfortunately the weather didn’t play ball. The party had a unicorn theme, per Lauren’s request, complete with delicious unicorn cake (note: no unicorns were harmed during the making of the cake). We had Zoe from Boogie Beat come and sing songs and tell stories to the kids – she was fantastic and it really provided structure to the party. Then the kids sat down on blankets and had an indoor picnic. It was so much fun but I definitely earned my large glass of wine once everyone had gone home.

The week after her party, we headed back to Haven’s Craig Tara resort, where we were for her actual day of her birthday – this was a very magical place for Lauren last time, and we were delighted to find she loved it just as much as during our previous visit. Not only did she get to meet her hero Rory once again, we also were lucky enough to have timed our visit to the Scottish Air Show which was happening just up the coast, so we were treated to a Red Arrows flypast on the evening of her birthday – how incredibly special.

Lauren turns 3

In terms of presents, she has been thoroughly spoiled by her friends and family, not to mention going away for the weekend, so we tried not to go overboard, a thing which I’m finding is easier said than done! We gave her two dollies on her birthday and the lucky girl was delighted to come home to find a doll’s house for them in her bedroom (which was an absolute bargain – unfortunately it looks to be out of stock now).

Lauren turns 3

My darling Lauren. You love drawing and colouring, you are both hilarious and desperate to be able to read – you point to words and tell me “mummy, that says ‘Lauren needs a lolly'”. If you could get away with only eating lollies, Pombears and yogurt, you would. You cheer on your little brother when he does something clever. You love hugs but are quick to tell me “mummy, that’s too much hugs”… one day, when you’re a mum too, you will know that there will never be such a thing as too much hugs. You love bubbles, playing hide and seek and bouncing on the trampoline. Your favourite book is The Three Little Pigs and you love to watch Daniel Tiger. We are so, so lucky to have you and I can’t wait for the adventures that lie ahead.

Lauren turns 3


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