You will no doubt heard about FM World, they are hugely popular sellers of perfumes and aftershaves which replicate the scent of your favourite brands, but at a much, much lower price. In the current cost of living crisis, every £ saved is a bonus and I highly recommend their fragrances, they are all I wear now and I get so many compliments. I have an FM perfume list which outlines the designer dupes – unfortunately there are a couple of quick hoops to jump through before I can give this to you – the reason for this is outlined at the bottom of the page.
Here are the steps, which shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes – once this is done, I will send you the FM fragrance list asap – you can then use this to shop online for the FM equivalent of your designer scents:
Step 1: Register with FM
Click here and fill in your details. The great thing is that registering gets you up to 30% of the FM range for life, compared to buying as a guest or through someone else. The registration form is pretty self-explanatory, only a few important things to note:
- Under ‘Company’ select ‘Individual Business Partner’
- Select ‘Preferred Customer’ if you are just planning on buying for yourself/as gifts or ‘Distributor’ if you think there is a chance you might wish to ‘build a team’ a.k.a. create a network marketing business at any point in the future. It doesn’t really make a difference which option you tick though. Personally, I have no plans to create a business, I just buy for myself and friends/family so I am registered as a ‘Preferred Customer’
- DO NOT tick ‘I don’t have a sponsor’, leave it unticked
- Everything else should be easy peasy but please send me an email if you have any questions:
Step 2: Let me know your Business Partner Number below
FM will email your Business Parner Number to you once you are registered, it’s a seven digit number. Please complete the form below and I will email the FM perfume list to you asap, usually within a couple of hours.
Why don’t you just include the FM perfume list here?
Well, I used to have the list on my website but then I was threatened with legal action! Turns out the major fragrance houses don’t like me spreading the word that their £150 perfume has a near-identical version for less than £25. Trust me, it would be way less hassle for me to just upload the list here but I can’t.
Any catches?
None whatsoever. There is no cost unless you buy anything. Although FM operate within the network marketing realm, you don’t have to sell – I certainly don’t. As soon as I send you the FM perfume list I will delete your details and you won’t hear from me again. My only condition to get the list is that you are new to FM, i.e. I can see that your business partner number was registered via this link and that you left the ‘I don’t have a sponsor’ box blank. The reason for this is that I get a tiny % of any purchases that you make, which makes my admin time worth my while.
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