Dealing With Post-Lockdown Stress? How Modern Mums Can Avoid a Burnout

The lockdowns and restrictions we have been living with since March 2020 have caused significant amounts of stress and difficulty for everyone. As a mum living through this, there was the additional pressure of having kids around all the time as schoolwork became remote. Now, as we ease away from covid restrictions and lockdowns, many people are experiencing a great deal of stress.

Whether you are struggling with the concept of returning to the office, or you are having trouble with the idea of being amongst large crowds again, there are some things you can do to eliminate stress and avoid burnout.

Prioritise Sleep

Getting the right amount of sleep and having a regular sleeping pattern can significantly impact your overall mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, when busy mums get stressed, sleep can often be the first thing to suffer.

Whether you are using time you’d usually be in bed to get some extra jobs done or are simply finding yourself staying up late watching Netflix after a long day, you must consider your sleeping pattern. Countless studies have shown how important sleep is for our overall health, both mentally and physically. If you find yourself feeling more stressed than usual and on the edge of burnout, think about how much sleep you’re getting and make changes to your schedule to accommodate enough sleep.

Consider Natural Supplements

Some people argue that natural supplementation can improve your mental wellbeing. There are various supplements that advocates claim can effectively reduce stress.

Many people are now advocating for the benefits of CBD as a supplement to reduce stress and anxiety. Those who regularly use CBD oils, vapes, gummies or other edibles (you can find much more information on edibles here often claim to feel more relaxed and process feelings of stress and anxiety in a healthy manner. Another great resource for news and information on CBD supplements is

Other supplements have been suggested to improve mood and anxiety in some individuals. For example, advocates claim that taking 400mg of Rhodiola Rosea extract daily for 12 weeks can boost your mood and general mental wellbeing. Additionally, supplements like melatonin, ashwagandha, B-complex vitamins, and others may also impact how we react to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Talk to People

Whether it’s your friends, or a mental health professional, talking to people about your struggles can be massively beneficial for your wellbeing. With the world opening up again, there are more options for things to do with your friends, and simply going for a chin-wag over a glass of wine can make all the difference to how you feel.

More often than not, simply vocalising how you’re feeling with someone you trust can help take some of the weight off your shoulders. Even if you choose not to discuss what is troubling you, going out and having a good time can help to distract you from feeling stressed and overwhelmed, so it is well worth picking up the phone and seeing some friends.

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Research has shown the link between physical and mental health time and time again. Therefore, there is a lot of truth to the expression “healthy body, healthy mind”.

If you are suffering from stress as Covid restrictions ease across the country, consider getting some exercise. This doesn’t need to be intense activity. Even a 10 minute walk around the neighbourhood with your kids, or a dog can significantly boost your mood when you feel overwhelmed.

Additionally, if you are struggling, then pay attention to your diet. As we start to feel stressed and close to burning out, often our diet can slip dramatically. Eating junk food when you are already having difficulties with your mental wellbeing will not help you improve your mental state. Your body is a temple, and treat it as such. It is difficult to convey the difference that nutritious eating can make to your overall health and mental wellbeing.

Mindfulness Can Be a Powerful Tool

Mindfulness is a holistic approach to managing mental and physical health that can help to relate to feelings of stress and other emotions more healthily and sustainably.

Mindfulness techniques involve paying attention to our thoughts and feelings in an objective manner to help manage difficult situations.
Different forms of mindfulness exist, from practices like meditation to more active mind-body processes like yoga. Research has suggested that regular mindfulness can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety directly and improve sleep and concentration, which can indirectly contribute to feeling overwhelmed.

The Takeaway

Overall, managing stress and anxiety as we progress past Covid-related restrictions and lockdowns can be a challenging affair. There may be many aspects of life that contribute to feeling overwhelmed, but there are also effective methods to manage these feelings. Ultimately, integrating some of the suggestions above into your post-lockdown life can be a powerful way to mitigate stress and negative thoughts and emotions. A holistic approach to physical and mental health is an excellent way to care for yourself during these trying times.


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