Low Carb Cauliflower Soup Recipe

Low carb cauliflower soup is a staple lunch in our home. My recipe makes enough soup for 5 portions, so it’s great for batch cooking.  This is a staple lunch in our home, I make it almost every week, especially over the Autumn and Winter months. My kids, who are both fussy eaters when it comes to vegetables (but eat so much fruit I have to replenish my fruit bowl every day), absolutely love this soup. I think it’s because it is white so they don’t realise that it’s jam packed with a nutritious vegetable. Please, no one break it to them.

low carb cauliflower cheese recipe

What I love about this is that because the main ingredient is frozen I can almost always whip this up at a moment’s notice because I usually have all the ingredients. It’s cheap, too. I’ve just done a very quick calculation and I reckon the cost of the ingredients come to about £3 which is only 60p per serving.

One of my most popular recipes on my blog to date is my recipe for low carb Chinese chicken curry so I hope you enjoy this one too. As stated, the below recipe makes 5 adult portions so I have divided everything by 5 to come up with the nutritional value per serving)


  • One bag of frozen cauliflower florets
    • (I buy mine from Sainsburys but almost every supermarket has them – I buy several bags at a time to stock up. Carbs: 6.3g, calories: 61)
  • 3 vegetable stock cubes
    • (Check the carb count before using – some brands are surprisingly high. Carbs: 0.2g, calories: 19)
  • 200ml double cream
    • (Carbs: 0.6g, calories: 188)
  • 150g grated cheddar
    • (Carbs: 0.6g, calories: 125)
  • 4 rashers of bacon, grilled
    • (Carbs: 0g, calories: 32)
  • 2 teaspoons of nutmeg
    • (Carbs: 0.5g, calories: 5)

Total carbs: 8.2g
Total calories: 430

Low Carb Cauliflower Soup

low carb cauliflower soup



  • Boil the frozen cauliflower until it is soft.
  • Drain some of the water, saving approximately enough to cover about half the depth of the cooked cauliflower.
  • Add the crumbled stock cubes, the nutmeg and the cheese and heat on a low heat whilst stirring until the cheese has melted.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Add in the bacon, roughly shopped up. Don’t forget to pour in the bacon juice from the pan too, mmm.
  • Season to taste with black pepper and serve

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments if you give this recipe, or if you have any other favourite low carb soup recipes.


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