Money Saving Monday: 3 Ways I Saved Money Last Week (24/09/18)

Did everyone have a nice weekend? We had a lovely time visiting the zoo on Saturday and we spent a lovely sunny Sunday morning at one of our favourite local spots, Craigies. It is Monday once again – here’s 3 of the little things I did last week to save money. As we are flying off to sunny Spain at the end of this week, it’s a bit of a holiday special!

  1. Instead of picking up our Euros last minute at the airport, where you get a a terrible exchange rate, I pre-ordered and collected at the Post Office, saving about £10 (not much but it will pay for a couple of bottles of cava on holiday, so, worth it!). Isn’t the exchange rate woeful regardless?
  2. Aldi had their baby event on, so I stocked up on kids snacks and colouring/sticker books for the flight which will save a fortune vs buying things at the airport. Can’t say I am excited about flying with two toddlers but at least it is a relatively short flight.
  3. Amazon have an amazing offer on Ambre Solait sun screen spray – it sells for £9 in Boots and £7 in Superdrug but I piced it up via Amazon subscribe and save for just £2.55 a can. It’s great for wriggly toddlers who won’t stay still long enough to get cream applied. I have written before about how I use Amazon’s subscribe and save for nappies… I also get wipes, shiritaki noodles and various cleaning products in my monthly delivery. If you get 5 or more things delivered you save 15% off everything in your order, so it’s a great way to save on regular purchases. Plus it’s really easy to skip a delivery or cancel it if you no longer need it.

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  1. Great tips on saving $. I live in the US and like Amazon Prime for saving me money. I find it interesting you can order Euro and have it delivered. #MMBC

  2. Chloe

    You have to love Likdil and Aldi when they have their deals but you have to be quick. I shall take a look at Amazon for the suncream #mmbc

    • You are so right – got to be on the ball to get the good deals. At that price it’s probably worth stocking up on suncream for next Summer x

  3. Fab money saving tips there! I do try to be frugal where I can. I use Amazon Prime and have saved a fortune over the years, it really is fab.
    I hope you all have an amazing time in Spain!

    Thanks ever so much for sharing with #MMBC. x

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