Keeping a Long Distance Relationship Alive During Lockdown

I feel very lucky to be living with my partner during these difficult times. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to be apart from him for weeks on end, with no way of physically being with him. There doesn’t seem to be an end in sight yet, so I thought it would be useful for me to share some tips on keeping a long distance relationship alive during lockdown.

Have video chats

This is an obvious one, but we are so lucky in the modern era that we can catch up with people over Facetime, Whatsapp or Zoom. To keep it interesting, why not play a game of ‘never have I ever’, ‘two truths and a lie’ or perhaps you could eat the same meal and drink the same wine as you chat to increase the feeling of closeness?

Speaking of chatting online, for those who are spending lockdown single and are looking for some fun, there are sites like to get chatting and flirting with people in the meantime. Planting the seeds now may lead to a real life encounter in the future! If you are looking for Isle of Wight sex then I wish you luck ๐Ÿ™‚

Send snail mail

I love receiving letters in the post – well, personal letters, not bills! It is sad that letter writing is such a dying art, there is something so romantic about receiving a letter in the post from a loved one, it makes me think of back in the war when soldiers would send letters to their sweethearts back home. Why not spray some of your signature perfume or aftershave onto the paper to evoke memories of your scent.

Play online games together

Most of us are finding ourselves with more leisure time these days, why not spend some of this time playing games online with your loved one? Personally I love playing Words With Friends on my phone, which is essentially Scrabble. Another great one, if you happen to both have a Nintendo Switch is the game Overcooked. You can play over the internet and I am always in stitches when I play it, it is so funny.

Make plans for the future

I think a key one for keeping a long distance relationship alive during lockdown is to look to the future. Although it feels like the current situation is going to last forever, the truth is that eventually it will come to an end, life will slowly return to normal and you will be reunited with your spouse. So make plans for the future. I find that talking about fun stuff coming up really boosts my mood and makes me feel connected to my partner.

Say good morning and good night every day

Even if it’s just a quick Whatsapp message, I think it’s so important to start and end each day by making a quick connection with your partner. It really is the little things that are done daily that keep the spark alive.


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