Passive Income in the UK: effortless ways to earn money

As the cost of living rises and rises but wages remain pretty stagnant, there are so many of us looking to earn passive income in the UK. Money poor, time poor…. does that sounds familiar? Obviously there are lots of different ways to make money but in my opinion nothing beats income that is earned without lifting a finger.

Earning Money from your PC/Macbook/laptop

I signed up for two passive income programmes – Honeygain and Gener8 Ads – some time ago. These programs run in the background of your computer and earn you money or tokens that can be exchanged for goods and gift cards. Some of the earnings claims they make are quite bold, so I thought I would write a post detailing how I am getting on with them after a few weeks of usage. I will definitely be updating this post in the long term to update you all on my earnings.


Honeygain is available as an app on your phone and also on your Mac or PC. Follow this link to sign up to kick things off with a $3 (USD) bonus. How it works is that it is an application which runs in the background of your phone/computer and makes your device a gateway – essentially, it uses some of your unused data. It launches when your phone boots up or your computer is turned on so you are unaware of anything happening, so after you have signed up, it truly is passive income.

Honeygain claim to pay up to $50 a month but personally I think this is over optimistic. I tend to have my PC on for around 10 hours most days (which is a lot more than the average person, but remember, I work from home) and have found that in the two weeks I have had the app on my PC I have accrued around the equivalent of $0.50 a day (you earn $0.01 – 10 credits – for every 100MB of data that you share). This works out at $15 a month or $180 over the course of the year which isn’t too bad in my opinion for literally no effort. I can’t quite figure out how a person could earn $50 a month, though!

Once you reach the minimum payout of $20 USD you can request your earnings via Paypal.

Gener8 Ads

Gener8 Ads isn’t an app, it’s actually a browser add on (available for Chrome and Firefox) – there is also a Gener8 Tabs browser add on, I have both installed.

Both add ons work by generating tokens. The Ads add on works by replacing banner ads (the ones that you see on the sides of websites) with Gener8‘s own advertising that has been tailored to you based on the preferences that you complete in your profile. However, at the time of writing they aren’t actually showing ads, they are showing images of pugs and other cute animals. So instead of seeing annoying adverts you see cute pugs and earn tokens whilst doing so… sounds good to me! If there is a more lovely way to earn passive income in the UK, I’m yet to discover it.

If you sign up via this link you get a welcome boost of 10 extra tokens which gets you off to a great start. Once you have signed up and started to earn tokens, you can spend them in the marketplace. Anyone can spend their tokens on charitable donations but once you invite 2 friends you can then gain access to more items, like Amazon vouchers and physical products. The reason why they want you to get two new users to sign up is so they can quickly grow their user base and then start working with advertising partners. Obviously it will be great for their business but I will miss my daily dose of pug!

To give you a quick idea of how much tokens are worth, 50 tokens gets you a £5 Amazon gift card. I am up to 60 tokens after two weeks but I just realised that I hadn’t yet filled in my ‘preferences’ which I believe has limited how many tokens I’ve been able to earn. I have fixed that now and will update how I am getting on when it comes to earning tokens soon.

Earning Money from Walking Apps

Another way of earning passive income in the UK is via several smartphone apps on the market that will reward you based on your step count if you run them in the background of your phone whilst going about your daily activities.


Winwalk allows you to earn up to 100 coins daily – you get 1 coin per 100 steps so to get the full reward you should be walking 10,000 steps a day – what a great incentive! The coins can be exchanged for gift cards for various retailers such as Amazon, Tesco and Starbucks). Coins must be ‘collected’ once a day but other than that, Winwalk runs in the background. Once great feature is that it doesn’t use GPS so it doesn’t drain your phone’s battery as much as it’s competitor, Sweatcoin.


Sweatcoin works in much the same way as Winwalk, the major difference is that rather than being able to spend accumulated Sweatcoins (as they are called) on gift cards, the rewards on offer tend to things like 50% discounts from certain stores and free trials. I personally think Winwalk is the better of the two apps but I have them both running on my phone anyway as it helps encourage me to stay active.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas about earning passive income in the UK, a few little passive income streams here and there add up over the year so I would love to have more on the go!

1 Comment

  1. Sam

    I have been trying to find little ways to bump up my income and I am going to take a look into these, especially upvoice! Thanks for the great tips.

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